At Viktech I am challenged professionally all the time
51-year-old Emad Bielawska has a long career behind him. Since he came to Denmark from his native Greece in 2001 as a qualified electrician and with a Danish wife by his side, he has worked with electrical installations for many different companies.
However, it wasn’t until he turned his back on a permanent job in 2016 and decided to join Viktech’s team of qualified tradesmen that Emad Bielawska has truly felt that he has found his niche.

“When you have a permanent job, you risk doing the same thing year after year. I don't want to spend my life installing switchboards, for example, I am too restless for that. At Viktech I get a wide variety of jobs, and I am challenged professionally all the time. For me, that’s an important aspect of working life,” says Emad Bielawska.
There is also plenty of variety and challenges at Emad Bielawska’s current workplace at DS Stålkonstruktion in Hobro.
Here the experienced electrician has worked on installing and maintaining the company’s machine park since the beginning of 2020.
And Viktech’s consultant Martin Rasmussen didn’t have the slightest doubt that Emad was the right man for the job at DS Stålkonstruktion.
“Normally our electricians work at construction sites where they handle very specific tasks. This is not the case at DS Stål, where tasks can vary from day to day. This requires a person with a wide range of skills who doesn’t shy away from situations where he is out of his depth, and Emad Bielawska possesses these qualities. He is never afraid of tackling something new,” says Martin Rasmussen.

A bad manager was the last straw
New challenges were also what made Emad Bielawska resign from his job as an electrician at the company where he was working in 2016.
Before Emad Bielawska became employed by Viktech, he had worked for various electrical installation service companies and had even started his own company importing and exporting electronic components.
Emad Bielawska wants to get on well with his colleagues, and it is important for him to work for a company with a good social atmosphere.
At one of his previous workplaces he had a manager who was difficult to work with, and he therefore decided to seek new challenges elsewhere.
At the time Viktech had between 10 and 15 electricians working at the company, and after chatting to some of them Emad Bielawska decided to apply for a job with Viktech. He hasn’t regretted that decision for one second.
“I love working for Viktech and the opportunities it presents. During my three years as a Viktech employee, I have only been out of work for two days. It therefore feels like it is more reliable to work in this way rather than having a permanent job that you can lose from one day to the next. I am always confident that more work will come my way. When I finish working at a company on a Friday, I am almost always offered another job where I can start on the Monday,” says Emad Bielawska.
Strong collaboration guarantees success
It has happened once during the three years Emad Bielawska has worked for Viktech that he found himself at a workplace that he didn’t want to be part of.
In his own words, he “couldn’t work with those people at all”, and decided to do something about it.
“I called Martin (Rasmussen, consultant at Viktech) and said: I can’t work at this company. Is there somewhere else you can place me?” He replied: “Give me five days and I’ll find you another job”. That was fantastic, and it highlights how good our collaboration is. Martin has been really good at keeping me busy, and I am very grateful for that,” he says.

Martin Rasmussen remembers the incident, and because Emad Bielawska was such a reliable employee who never complained, he knew that this was a problem he had to do something about.
“Satisfied customers are what keeps Viktech in business, but our success depends just as much on having satisfied employees. Unless we work hard to keep them happy, we will lose them. And if the turnover of employees is too high, it becomes very difficult to find the right people for the customers’ specialised tasks,” says Martin Rasmussen.
Right now, Emad Bielawska couldn’t be happier, and he feels he has been well received by his current employer DS Stål.
Where he will lay his cables in the future, he can’t tell. And that’s how he likes it.
“I don’t miss being in a permanent job at all. Quite the contrary. I en-joy not knowing what I’ll be doing tomorrow, or who I’ll be working with. I see myself as a very positive person who likes making new friends. And there is plenty of opportunity for that at Viktech,” he says.

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